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  • БНХАУ-ын Шаньдун мужийн Ляочэн хотын Гуан мужийн аж үйлдвэрийн парк
  • 8: 30-17: 30

Халуун дүрсэн ган ороомог

Steel is one of such strong and durable materials used for several purposes. Hot dip galvanizing of steel coil is an example. ESSAR Атираат дээвэр entails immersing steel into a bath of molten zinc or other protective compounds. When it comes to rust and corrosion, the coating does not solely make the steel harder.

Hot Dipped Steel Coils For Robust Construction Comes With Lot Of Benefits

Hot-dip galvanized steel coils are perfect construction materials that can be used either in the factory or at construction sites thus saving you so much time and money. This layer of zinc provides full protection from rust, corrosion as well as any other kind of harm on the steel. This interlayer also increases the strength of steel, ESSAR Атираат төмөр can hold a greater weight and will not deform or break.

Why choose ESSAR Hot dipped steel coil?

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