Chicken Wire Mesh Galvanized Poultry Wire for Chicken Coops
As a homesteader, ensuring that your chicken coop is secure and protects your dear poultry from predators should be atop of the list. That is where galvanized poultry wire can help.
Galvanized Poultry Wire
This is wire mesh, where zinc has been added as a coating, rendering it resistant to common rust and corrosion. It is also a common fencing material for chicken coops. This wire mesh could be the best possible solution when wishing to construct chicken coops which are secure enough to keep out any number of predators including wild animals, rodents, and birds of prey.
Poultry wire that has been galvanized is available in different sizes and gauges, so there should be choices to meet every kind of need. You can select from different mesh sizes depending on the level of security and strength that you want for your chicken coop. It also allows for molding and cutting according to any size or shape of the chicken coop.
Galvanized poultry netting is not only great for keeping chickens in but also comes in handy around your farm and garden. It can double for trellising, keeping your vegetable patch safe from varmints like rabbits, and serve as a garden fence. Made from PVC-coated steel, it is also perfect for compost bins and protecting young seedlings from birds and other animals that might eat them.
In closing, galvanized chicken wire is a useful material that can be used for numerous applications on the farm or homestead. Its strength, affordability, durability, and long-lasting performance make it ideal for agricultural works or gardening requirements.
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ESSAR শানডং এসসার গ্রুপের অন্তর্গত যা চীনের শানডং প্রদেশের সুন্দর লিয়াওচেং শহরে অবস্থিত। আমরা প্রধানত গরম ডুবানো গ্যালভানাইজড স্টিলের কয়েল, গ্যালভালুম কয়েল, পিপিজিআই স্টিলের কয়েল, ঢেউতোলা ইস্পাত শীট এবং হাইওয়ে গার্ডরেলগুলি অটো শিল্প, গৃহস্থালী যন্ত্রপাতি, নির্মাণ শিল্প এবং হাইওয়ে গার্ডরেল নির্মাণ ইত্যাদিতে ব্যাপকভাবে প্রয়োগ করা হয়। এবং গরম ডুবানো গ্যালভানাইজড স্টিল শীট/কয়েল (বার্ষিক 160,000 টন), ঢেউতোলা স্টিল শীট (বার্ষিক 50,000 টন), এবং হাইওয়ে গার্ডরেল (বার্ষিক 200,000 টন) বিক্রি করা হচ্ছে। বার্ষিক মোট বিক্রয় প্রায় RMB 1.85 বিলিয়ন ইউয়ান, এবং লাভ কর প্রায় 143 মিলিয়ন ইউয়ান। পণ্য কর্মক্ষমতা সূচক দেশীয় উন্নত মান অর্জন করেছে.
With the galvanized poultry wire thought of striving for survival on the basis of quality and development on the basis of benefit adhering to the management idea of "faith, practical innovation and development," we have courage to challenge. We keep continuous innovation in the competition. We also do our unremitting efforts to fight bravely for creating a national brand and international brand. Holding to the intellectual businessman of style and the spirit of sincerity all staff of our company are willing to cooperate. We develop together with you.
Our galvanized poultry wire has been wildly sold to Northeast, North China, East China, etc. and also has been exported to Mid-America, Af-rica, and Southeast Asia, etc. Total area of group is approximately 320 acres. The registered capital is RMB105 mil-lion Yuan, and fixed assets is RMB 500 million Yuan. Our group has more than 370 employees, including 32 senior engineers and 56 professional backbone technicians. Our group has advanced professional manufacture equip-ment and matured technology as well as a team of high-quality professional management and technical tal-ents.
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